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Cloud-Based Security Systems

for the San Antonio, TX Area

Security, accessibility, and control are at the heart of everything that we do here at RTH Automation, Inc. With the introduction of new technologies, advancements have been made to transform traditional business and home security systems into a powerful all-in-one solution that allows both home and business owners to protect their property under one device. From interior and exterior security cameras to smart locks and motion sensors, cloud-based security systems have improved the way people secure their properties.

In today’s market, most technologies and data exist on the cloud which minimizes the chances someone has at cracking any security system. Due to the information being kept off-site, you can easily control everything from the app on your phone without having to install any servers.

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Contact Us Today
to Get Started

If you’re interested in learning more about our cloud-based security systems or if you’d like to schedule an installation, we encourage you to contact us today!