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Installation Service

RTH Automation, Inc. can help make your business more energy efficient and environmentally friendly by installing solar panels on top of your property. This is the newest service soon to be offered by the technicians at RTH.

Solar panels can be installed on top of roofs to help capture energy from the sun and sky above and convert that heat energy into power that can help a structure run.

Can You Power Your Automated Smart Home with Solar Energy?

This is an efficient way to provide power for a home or business as it uses the natural energy from the sun that it will harness and store for future energy use. Instead of relying on an electrical grid for power, you can turn to nature for help by having solar panels installed on your home or business. If you’re considering a conversion to solar energy, you might be wondering if your smart home can be adequately powered by this type of power source. The short answer is that yes it can! With a smart inverter system to convert the solar power your panels generate to the AC power your home uses, you’ll easily be able to power your entire home or commercial property from your solar panels. Many modern buildings use solar panels to power their automated lighting, climate control options, irrigation systems, appliances, and home security systems. Integrating your smart home automation features with solar power is a good idea for several reasons:

  • Reduce Your Dependence on the Grid: The San Antonio, TX area is familiar with occasional grid outages. If you have an automated solar energy system, you don’t always have to depend on the public grid. You can also control which systems receive your stored solar power, helping your energy last longer.
  • Save Money: Rather than spend your hard-earned money on utility bills every month, powering your smart home or business with solar panels can significantly reduce your energy costs. This helps you operate your household on a lower budget.
  • Energy Efficiency: Smart homes and businesses that are powered by solar panels use energy more efficiently; in fact, some automated home solutions are smart enough to only operate when there is enough sunlight available to power them! A more efficient home ensures that your systems last longer and benefits the planet as well.

If you’re interested in learning more about how our solar panels can benefit your residential or commercial property, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!

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Our team will soon be providing solar panel installation for homes and businesses in the San Antonio region.

Contact us today to find out more.

How Solar Panels Can Benefit Your Smart Home

Solar panels don’t just make your home appear more modern and futuristic. Instead, solar panels have very practical uses. Getting solar panels installed on your smart home is a great way to make a significant improvement to your home. Especially in San Antonio, TX where the sun shines bright, solar panels are an effective solution and a strategic investment for your smart home. Contact RTH Automation, Inc. to learn more about getting solar panels, home automation, and a home security system installed at your San Antonio, TX home.

Solar panels offer a variety of benefits that you can take advantage of.

  • When the Power Goes Out, You Are Prepared: If your power goes out, you still want your smart lighting, home security systems, and other smart home features to continue working. What good is a home security system if your power is unreliable? Additionally, if your power goes out for an extended period of time, the food in your fridge and freezer will have to be thrown away. Having solar panels and a solar battery installed will ensure you and your smart home are prepared in the event your power goes out.
  • More Cost-Effective: When you invest in a solar panel system, you will save money on your electric bill. That means you will have more money to spend elsewhere like on more improvements for your smart home.
  • Increased Property Value: Because solar panels continue to reduce electric bills, they are a convenient way to increase your property value. If you intend to sell your San Antonio, TX home, prospective buyers will be inclined to spend more money on a home that has solar panels already installed.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Solar panels are also more environmentally friendly compared to other options. Solar panels get their energy from the sun which is a renewable energy source. Also, they don’t create addition air pollution while they are running. Overall, utilizing solar panels is an effective way to ensure you are being cognizant of the carbon footprint of your smart home.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about getting solar panels installed at your smart home in San Antonio, TX.