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At RTH Automation, Inc., our motto is “One Solution One Control.” What this means is that we’re the one source for your residential and commercial automation needs in the San Antonio, TX area.

When you have an automation system set up, you can control everything in your home or business from one control. We make it easier for you to use your lighting, audio, security, and other systems in your home or place of business.

The Importance of High-Quality Home Automation

The right home automation system can improve your quality of life in several different ways, from practical convenience to cost savings. If you're considering a home automation system for your house, consider the following potential benefits:

  • Energy Efficiency: Automated HVAC systems in smart homes save homeowners more money between months than other types of home systems. With a home automation system, you can allow for different temperatures in different rooms, set different temperatures for times you aren't home, and even adjust your thermostat from anywhere. This can make a big difference during San Antonio summers when air conditioning use can drive your electrical bill through the roof.
  • Security: Home automation systems allow you to remotely control your smart lights from anywhere, even when you're not at home. This can deter potential home invaders by making it look like you're home even when you're not. In addition, you can opt for motion sensors on your windows or doors, allowing your home to detect intruders as soon as they enter.
  • Convenience: The ability to automate your home's security, lighting, appliances, and other systems allows you more freedom and convenience as you control your home from anywhere. 
  • Savings Potential: Because your home automation system can control your energy and lighting use, you can wind up saving a lot of money in utility use every month.

If you want to learn more about how home automation systems can benefit you, reach out to our team today!

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Talk to RTH Automation, Inc. about everything we can do for your home or business in the San Antonio, TX area.

We can give you a truly smart home or smart business experience. Contact us today.