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SCADA stands for supervisory control and data acquisition. It is a control system architecture that is composed of computers, networked data communications, and graphical user interfaces for high-level supervision of equipment. SCADA utilizes both hardware and software to enable the automation of specific actions. It is commonly used for industrial applications, but it can be used for home automation as well. SCADA integration allows you to seamlessly control various systems of your home such as your security systems, furnace, air conditioning, and lighting. It will improve your comfort at home, reduce your energy usage, and make it easier to control all your systems.

Contact Our Home & Oilfield Automation Company Today!

At RTH Automation, Inc., we provide SCADA integration services to the San Antonio, TX area. When it comes to home automation, SCADA is extremely useful. It allows you to integrate and automate various systems and appliances in your home such as your heating & cooling systems, lighting, and security systems. It is also commonly used for industrial applications such as for water treatment plants, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. Contact us today to learn more about our SCADA integration services!